Alcohol Sanitizer S-1

Alcohol Sanitizer S-1

Food grade alcohol sanitizer

Made from food grade ethanol for sanitizing a variety of surfaces and equipment.
Quick drying - no need to whip off after applying.

Alcohol Sanitizer S-1 for cutting boards.
Alcohol Sanitizer S-1 for kitchen knives.
Alcohol Sanitizer S-1 for cooking bowls.
- Use food grade ethanol as its active ingredient.
- Quick drying and much more effective than normal ethanol.
- Neutral ingredients eliminate the need to rinse.
- Spray evenly over a surface from 15 cm away.
S-1Liquid / NeutralFragrance-free

Volume: 5kg
Units per Case: 3
Related Saraya products: Spray bottle, GMD-500A dispenser

S-1 Ready to use